Stopping the Revolving Door of Jail

Stopping the Revolving Door of Jail

Recidivism is defined as a tendency to relapse into a previous condition or mode of behavior, especially relapse into criminal and addictive behavior. Often percentages are given as a rate of recidivism. It’s measured differently by different groups so it’s very...
61 Verses

61 Verses

Wings of God Transition Home is an unapologetically Christ-centered mission. At the very beginning, as each Pearl comes to the home, we come alongside to help her develop the habit of personal daily Bible reading and prayer. Leaning on God’s Word is vital for each...
Message of Hope at Christmas

Message of Hope at Christmas

This is the Wings of God House in Paw Paw, MI, cheerfully decorated for Christmas. Each year a local landscaping company donates their time and skills to make the home festive for the season! We hope our neighbors enjoy the display, but we also know that lights and...
The Holy Spirit and Recovery

The Holy Spirit and Recovery

Blog post by Kristina Parsons, Current Pearl at Wings of God Transition Home God’s Spirit supplies everything necessary for successful recovery! When the Holy Spirit begins to bear this fruit in our lives, our dependencies lose their power. JOY & PEACE We...
Seeking Scripture on Mother’s Day

Seeking Scripture on Mother’s Day

From my heart, I want to share the direction of my thoughts for Mother’s Day this year. My thoughts are heavy as I think of mothers and children that are separated from one another. The separation can be because of death, incarceration, lost custody, deployment,...