Quilts Made with Love & Prayers

Quilts Made with Love & Prayers

Tara Behrman has been a supporter of Wings of God since the beginning of this ministry in 2012. She has gifted a handmade quilt to every Pearl that has completed the program. Tara’s quilts are beautiful and created with love and prayers. Since Tara has been...
All of my dreams are coming true!

All of my dreams are coming true!

Hi, I am Angie, a previous Pearl, who graduated from the Wings of God Transition Home program in February 2021. After graduating I moved into the Next Step Home and continued to grow in my job at McDonald’s. My faith and trust in God continued to grow. I love...
Stopping the Revolving Door of Jail

Stopping the Revolving Door of Jail

Recidivism is defined as a tendency to relapse into a previous condition or mode of behavior, especially relapse into criminal and addictive behavior. Often percentages are given as a rate of recidivism. It’s measured differently by different groups so it’s very...
Healing Trauma Training

Healing Trauma Training

Wings of God Board Member Jeff Rebenstorf, Volunteer Liz Devries, House Manager Rhonda Cochran and Night Manager Amy Ajileye recently attended a three-day workshop called Healing The Wounded Heart, created by the Trauma Healing Institute.  The objective of this...
I Am Walking His Path

I Am Walking His Path

Before I came to the Wings of God home, I was at the end of my rope. I knew I needed God back in my life. I just didn’t know where to start. I came in for an interview and was greeted by Miss Rhonda with a big smile and a hug. I instantly felt like I had found my...