Can I have just a moment of your time to tell you a quick story?  When I walked into work the other day, I was met by one of our resident Pearls who had a job interview scheduled early that morning and she needed a ride. It was not a big deal to set my stuff down and give her a lift. It was a short little drive – I was only away from my normal job duties for just a bit. We had a nice chat while driving there – keeping it real about life and jobs. I wished her well as she headed into the business with her resume in hand. It was just a moment in time, perhaps quite ordinary.

But it sure made my day! I knew that there was a lot of thought and prayers leading up to that interview. I knew that issues and struggles have been sorted through. That there was humbleness in applying for the job. That pros and cons had been weighed. And that the opportunity was an answered prayer! How many of us have prayed – Dear Lord, please help me find a job!

I have been the Marketing Glory Assistant at Wings of God for almost six months, and so far at work I have cried, sang, laughed, prayed with, been prayed for, and have had my eyes opened to many things! What a privilege I have to be included in the lives of women who are seeking change. Women who are being ministered to by the staff and leaning into the truth that God loves them. And I am also being ministered to by the Pearls and my co-workers!

This little moment in time – to give a lift to a job interview, to be included in transformation – made my day. A reminder that there are no ordinary moments and I am grateful.

P.S. She got the job!

Susan, Marketing Glory Assistant at Wings of God Transition Home

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