We wanted to give everyone an update on how the Pearls and staff at Wings of God are doing during the Covid-19 quarantine. The answer is – we are all doing well!  Our Pearls are doing wonderful, with amazing grace, settling into the “new normal”. Our staff is also adjusting to best practices and keeping everything flowing as safe and normal as possible. A few of the things we are doing to adapt to the quarantine:

  1. We are not accepting new Pearls during the quarantine. We currently have 6 women living at Wings of God – Trina, Angelina, Jena, Kristine, Shena and Emily. We have room for eight, and as soon as the quarantine is lifted, we will be back to interviewing women who are seeking the refuge and support we offer at Wings of God. 
  2. Visitors and Volunteers are not allowed in the home during the quarantine. We have made special arrangements with volunteers depending on their volunteer tasks such as grocery shopping.
  3. ZOOM has been set up for Pearls to continue as many classes virtually as possible. This includes the 12 Step Women’s program and Celebrate Recovery small groups.  
  4. Mentors are still connecting with their Pearls through phone calls. 
  5. Staff is now limited at the Wings home, with as much work for home being done as possible. 
  6. We have a plan ready if things get worse, or if one of the Pearls becomes sick. 
  7. Everyone at the home is taking their vitamins, getting some sunshine outdoors, and encouraging and supporting one another. 
  8. We are prepared with about a month’s supply of food, supplemented with fresh food items during the week as needed. 

We would appreciate your prayers for the Pearls and staff. Each Pearl continues daily to read God’s word, they meet together for Bible study in the dining room, and are attending church “virtually” in the living room. As with all of us, Pearls are concerned with the well being of their families and friends. During this time as they pursue a personal relationship with God, with all of their heart, and committed to the program at Wings of God, they especially need prayers to persevere and not feel afraid or hopeless and know they and their families are being lifted up in prayer. 

If you have congregates that are new to the Wings of God home. please feel free to share our mission videos: 

We appreciate this opportunity to share how we are doing at Wings of God.  Psalms 91 is read in the morning and a perfect word for us during these times.