We are delighted to introduce Jodie, our new House Manager at Wings of God Transition Home! Joining our ministry in April 2024, Jodie has quickly become an incredible blessing to our Pearls, staff, and volunteers. Her passion for Wings of God shines brightly, and she cherishes each Pearl as if they were her daughters. Jodie is committed to sharing the love of God with every Pearl she meets. We’re so grateful to have her on our team! Jodie also shared some insights about who she is, what she enjoys, and how she ministers to the Pearls, giving us a wonderful glimpse into her life and her heartfelt mission.

What do you like most about Wings of God?

Jodie: Witnessing the Pearls grow in their faith and realize their worth and potential through our Father, God.

What are some highlights of your position so far?

Jodie: Teaching the women how to budget, time management, and put God’s will before our own will.

What is your approach to creating a peaceful and loving environment for the women who live here? Any tips you would like to share that we can apply to our own lives and homes?

Jodie: I begin my day in prayer and devotion with the Pearls. Not because it is required, but because it sets the tone and posture for the rest of our day. I listen and give each Pearl time to cope and take a break when needed.

I begin my day in prayer and devotion with the Pearls. Not because it is required, but because it sets the tone and posture for the rest of our day.

Jodie Poenicke

House Manager

You live in Vicksburg. Now that you are in Paw Paw five days a week, have you found a cool place to go out for lunch or a new thing to do?

Jodie: Yes! Maple Island Park is a beautiful, unique place to go and be alone with God. The Strand Theater is a one-of-a-kind theater. Very quaint and nostalgic!

Will you share a Bible verse you live by and how this helps you minister to the Pearls?

Jodie: Romans 3:23-26 For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, whom God set forth as a propitiation by His blood, through faith, to demonstrate His righteousness, because in His forbearance God had passed over the sins that were previously committed, to demonstrate at the present time His righteousness, that He might be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus.

This helps me to minister to Pearls because it is a reminder that we ALL sin and that Jesus is the only perfect one and He can forgive ALL our sins. It’s a reminder that we can lay our sins at the cross and leave them there.

BONUS! Not only did Jodie join us – her precious dog Patrick comes to spend the day at the house often! We all enjoy his company and he enjoys the love and pets!