We praise the Lord for the victories in the lives of the women at Wings of God Transition Home!

Congratulations to Amy, Weekend Manager at Wings of God, who celebrates seven years of sobriety.  “The seeds that were planted when you were a Wings of God resident in 2014 are continuing to produce sweet fruit. This is a result of your commitment and love of God. It is evident in your walk and your dedication to being all that God created you to be. We are proud of you and are blessed to have you on our team and part of the Wings of God family!” Rhonda, House Manager at Wings of God

Amy celebrates 7 years of sobriety

Congratulations to Rebecca who has completed Phase 2! There are 4 Phases in the program at Wings of God that focus on spiritual growth, behavior, attitude, character, and academic progress/work opportunities. Rebecca is very committed to completing the program. She is really listening to God. She is a wonderful listener, sharing insight and wisdom with her family and the other Pearls.

Rebecca completes Phase 2 of the Wings of God Program

Congratulations to Kristina who has completed Phase 3! There are 4 Phases in the program at Wings of God that focus on spiritual growth, behavior, attitude, character, and academic progress/work opportunities. Kristina is looking forward to her new job and is working on her plan to transition back into the community. She is one step closer to completing the program and we are so proud of her!

Kristina completes Phase 3 of the Wings of God Program

Moments of praise and prayer are all around us every day at Wings of God. We praise God for the spiritual growth in each of these women. 

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