Laura’s Testimony
“My family has seen the change in me and the Lord has restored those relationships!”

He says I am loved!
Now I’m not perfect by any means, But God says He is faithful and just to finish the work He started in me! He has a plan and a purpose for my life! He says i am LOVED!

OPEN HOUSE – Next Step Family Home
Please join us for our Open House of the newly renovated Next Step Family Home. Because of the love and support of our Wings of God family, two graduated Pearls will soon call this duplex home!

Covid Comes to Wings of God & Virtual Benefit Dinner Update
Covid has come to Wings of God
We had one Pearl and one staff member recently sick and both tested positive for Covid. Thankfully no one else has tested positive or have been sick. We were prepared though! We are following an established protocol for such a situation.

Celebrating our Virtual Benefit Dinner
Praising God our Virtual Benefit Dinner was amazing! We are so proud of our Pearls and so proud of our Team! Of course, we all had SOME nervousness. You are really putting yourself out there doing something live and something that is going to be on the internet forever! At the same time, we prayed over this event and for each other. We prepared – and we are celebrating how it all turned out!

Pledge for Pearls Success! Thank you!
The 2020 Virtual Pledge for Pearls Bucket Brigade was a success! Thank you Sponsors, Volunteers, Staff, Pearls, and everyone who went to our website or stopped by the house and gave so generously!
2018 West Michigan’s Got Talent
Join us again this year as we show West Michigan who’s got talent! All proceeds benefit Wings of God.