You are worth saving

God is Good! We have a brand new kitchen… and more!

In 2022 Wings of God Capital Campaign included monies for a Kitchen Remodel for the Wings of God House on N Kalamazoo St. in Paw Paw. Starting in 2012 this 50-year-old kitchen has served as the heart of the home to 118 Pearls. It has been well-loved and well-used, but it was time for a refresh and it is very exciting! The kitchen remodel is about 95% done.

There are so many people to thank for volunteering! Over 35 amazing people brought a dinner (or two) for the Pearls during the remodel — so helpful while there was no working stove or sink.  Three wonderful professional designers donated their expertise, and creativity as well as doing a lot of physical work from shopping, hauling boxes, tiling, painting, and so much more!

We thank the RAP Team from the Bridge for the demolition phase. More volunteers helped haul debris, make an unexpected run to Grand Rapids to pick up the cabinets, install cabinets, install countertops, and move furniture.

So many of the contractors and service professionals either donated or discounted their services to Wings of God during this whole project.

A BIG thank you to Hope Reformed Church in South Haven – they held a kitchen shower and bought all new items for the kitchen! New dishes, mixing bowls, blender, toaster, utensils, cutting boards, pots & pans, storage containers – the list was over 80 items! 

The Pearls were amazing! They not only stayed focused on their programming during the remodel – they pitched in A LOT to help move stuff around, clean each day after construction work, and were so kind and pleasant to all the extra people in and out each day. And we can’t say enough what a great team we have as staff that kept this ministry functioning well and with joy! 

Stay tuned, as we will announce an Open House soon so you can tour the new kitchen. And surprise — the hallway entry, living room, dining room, the downstairs bathroom, and both staircases received a refresh as a bonus! One of the Pearls commented upon seeing the new downstairs – “everything is so elegant!”

The Pearls and some of our staff, including Karina, Executive Director were at a Weekend Retreat. The designers worked all weekend finishing painting and all the decorator details! This is the reaction video when they came home and saw for the first time everything put together! 

Kitchen Remodel Pictures – Before, Progress, and the Finished Kitchen!

“Because you are my help, I sing in the shadow of your wings.”

Psalm 63:7

Copyright © 2020 Wings of God Inc.  |  Design by Shamus Design